Tema Acessibilidade


You just came into my existence

Sweetening the surrounding atmosphere

Sparks of light replaced my blood

The day I felt your skin, smoothest bud


You just came into my existence

Making "love" and "me" pure rhyme

Pushing "pain" and "my heart" poles apart

Harmony that inspires each of my steps


Touch my chest to feel Love rekindled

Face, bones, lips, eyes, your smile

Because you are already dwelling inside


You just came into my existence

Floating around like an angel

Willing to save me from this life,

Or just trying to elude my eyes?



Copyright © 2010. Todos os direitos reservados ao autor. Você não pode copiar, exibir, distribuir, executar, criar obras derivadas nem fazer uso comercial desta obra sem a devida permissão do autor.
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Christiano Barretto ESCRITO POR Christiano Barretto Escritor
Maceió - AL

Membro desde Setembro de 2010
