From many years to date, several women in different places have tried to assume the Presidency of their countries, it is true, however, given the importance of the dispute to occupy the highest position in the "White House", the dedication of candidate Kamala Harris deserves to be highlighted, for her boldness and combat!
However, the victory of the so-called "conservative" (of what?) DONALD TRUMP, brings up several issues that the spotlight does not illuminate and Americans make a point of not saying...
That the United States is indeed a country, still "segregationist", "sexist", ultra-right and under the pretext of defending the rights of its people, it leads back to power, everything that the world wanted to forget: a being dominated by hatred, influenced by revenge, driven by racism and sponsored and encouraged by the "Ku Klux Klan!" (3).
In fact, when in the country, a black man took office, in this case Barack Obama, it was believed that much "rancidity" of the past, had definitely been overcome and the country could improve its relations, for example, with immigrants and of course, with the one that, as in Brazil, contracted a large debt, due to gigantic injustices practiced, as they did with the black people!
However, everything was nothing more than "will-o'-the-wisp", all hope disappeared with the rising of the "sun" of truth! Nothing has changed the United States and it won't!
So, taking into account the retrospect, it would already be very daring there, for a woman to run for the presidency of the country and a black woman!
All reactionary, segregationist, discriminatory and materialistic forces, united in "unison", to make it as difficult as possible for a woman to rise and... Negress!
By Brazilian "standards", at least in the Regions, from the Southeast, Kamala Harris in many circumstances and on some occasions, could even be classified as , of "colored", not specifically black! But not USA... "when it only took a little sunburn, to be considered NOT WHITE, BLACK!"
However, the press, the social networks, acting in common collusion, perhaps even unconsciously and in some cases, consciously, a priori, gave a certain advantage to Kamala, for her and everyone else to believe, that the American electoral process, was truly democratic and free of any prejudice! Which was never true...
I understand as truly desolate and discouraging, this victory of a being, completely devoid of empathy, cold, selfish, ambitious, petty, "autocrat", defender of privileged minorities and who finds shelter, here in Brazil, very well represented by some sympathizers of his "very particular philosophy" of segregating the poor, so that the rich prevail...
It is, without a doubt, the beginning of a new era "Trump", not to mention black, since it does not even live up to that adjective!
Kamala Harris believed in the fantasy that they wanted to sell her, even part of her electorate, but deep down everyone knew who would be contemplated with the investiture of the office: THE WHITE MAN! MILLIONAIRE! NATURALLY RACIST INDIFFERENT TO THE LAST STRAND OF YOUR HAIR!"
(1) Kamala Devi Harris is an American lawyer and politician, who currently serves as the 49th Vice President of the United States.
(2) Fascism is an ultranationalist and authoritarian political ideology characterized by dictatorial power, repression of the opposition by force and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
(3) The Ku Klux Klan (also known as the KKK or simply "the Klan") is the name of three distinct movements in the United States, past and present, that espouse reactionary and extremist currents, such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[17][18] anti-Catholicism,[19][20] and anti-Semitism. [20] historically expressed through terrorism targeting groups or individuals they oppose. [21] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society and all are considered far-right organizations. (Font wikipedia)
(4) Will-o'-the-wisp - masculine noun - 1. Light that appears at night, ger. emanating from swampy land or graves, and which is attributed to the combustion of gases from the decomposition of organic matter; Boitatá, Fogaréu; 2. FIGURATIVE - false brightness, passing glory.
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