Due to a recent controversy, involving the name of Father Julio Lancelotti, and having used the most disparate theories to justify his actions, an "internet user", a staunch defender of all the attitudes of the cleric, unrestrictedly, had the "brilliant" idea of saying, that after so much kindness, the priest would be nothing more and nothing less than the Reincarnation of FRANCIS OF ASSISI (3), the saint of ASSIS. (And there was no one among the attendees to simply say, "Less, even less, right?!")
Another, in order to justify, let's say, "some possible flaws" in the character of the religious, said that it does not matter what a person does if he is good for the poor and satisfies the hunger of the needy... (Anything can happen... Is it?)
In part, this other has a certain reason, but, let's face it, the CHARACTER, the MORAL of the individual is what defines him in the end, as a mortal, flawed, immoral human being or with a "holy, spiritual being!"
Because, at the end of the day, knowing the human being well, after all, it is possible that some charitable practices, in favor of the poor, in the end, are only justifications to cover up a great evil... moral!
However, to compare , Father, with Francis of Assisi, a totally spiritualized, detached, humanized being, who renounced everything for the most perfect spiritual practice of the attitudes of Christ, is to completely ignore the meaning of the "stay" of a holy spirit on this Earth, where selfishness and evil still reign! And not knowing what METEMPSYCHOSIS and REINCARNATION are!
In other words, in order to at least plead, desire and yearn for the "crown of holiness", a little more would be required than the simple donation of hot soup to the needy, walking side by side with the helpless and such, if in the depths of the heart, there is still a "stain", a stain, of any hue, including the sexual one!
To compare the hardworking priest to the Saint of Assisi is to have no idea of what SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION is!
In that person's conception, donated some food to the needy, he is holy... It makes all the difference.
However, this is not the case! For we would be talking about a possible return of a saint to the present life, and if it were, he would be in all his immortal form. With your morals and with all your spiritual conquest!
However, the slightest "look" at Francis' attitudes from that time could already be seen of his enormous moral greatness, when he renounced absolutely everything, from material goods to the "love of his life, Clare", in the name of Christ and the practice of unusual good!
Moreover, nowadays, those who put themselves in evidence among beings must pay close attention to these indiscreet "cameras", which film everything, which show everything and hide nothing... But whoever proposes to tread this noble road should not and does not have to fear this or that intrigue, determined!
Also because a particular practice, whatever it may be, must give rise to the sum of the whole, which forms the behavior of man and of the saints. Just as was the life of PAUL OF TARSUS, after renouncing worldly practices, that of St. Augustine (Idem), that of John the Evangelist (This one, all his life), that of PETER (after overcoming his weaknesses), that of JOAN OF ARC, etc., and so many others!
In short, an example of life, in all its fullness, in order to justify this or that attitude, must have as its "background" an unrestricted love for the most perfect practices of Christianity and renunciation of weaknesses of character!
- (1) TRANSMIGRATION (METEMPSYCHOSIS): it is a philosophical doctrine of Indian origin, transported to Egypt, from where Pythagoras later imported it to Greece and according to which the human soul would return to life in the body of any animal
- (2) REINCARNATION: Doctrine according to which, the human soul returns to another (and another) corporeal existence, NEVER, however, as an animal. ("Only with two legs!").
- (3) FRANCIS OF ASSISI: was a Catholic friar born in present-day Italy. After a restless and worldly youth, he turned to a religious life of complete poverty, founding the mendicant order of Friars Minor, better known as Franciscans, who renewed the Catholicism of his time. Born: Assisi, Italy. Died: 3 October 1226, Assisi, Italy. Parents: Pica de Bourlemont, Pietro di Bernardone.
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