There are quite "elementary" things that the most sensible mortals avoid talking about... And yet, they are in reality the end for all the creatures that circulate in this relatively good world and concomitantly... hostile!
In these days, as I passed in front of a large public hospital, it happened that at that very moment, I could tell: a... two... Yes, two hearses coming to collect bodies to drive to their final destinations. Logically, before you have to go through the "coziness" or contempt of the families before the burial and so on...
From the very condition of the world, no matter how much one understands in advance what the funerals connected with the strong factor are like, no matter how much one knows in anticipation a little of what the afterlife , etc., even so, it always causes a certain discomfort such a ceremony, both for those who remain, as well as for the souls of those who go...
In these days, an acquaintance who had already had a "solid" belief in life after life, told me: "yes, but no one came back from there to talk!" Lie! There have been, and still are, thousands, millions of testimonies around the world. But, if the individual is more concerned with making money and stabilizing himself financially and only that, it becomes difficult to pay attention to what comes after and to the innumerable narratives, described by very reliable and sincere people...
However, there is a consolation, for my well-known believer/non-believer: he is not the only one to have such doubts and be quite upset with the lack of material confirmation, as would be right in a logical science... even because, it is not a logical science, a complex subject...
A nobleman, an excellent thinker, a renowned scientist, a philosopher, an astronomer, etc., (Camille Flammarion) and a faithful connoisseur of the afterlife phenomenon, had to admit to having harbored great frustration with his beliefs, when a friend of his, also knowledgeable about such phenomena, promised to communicate with him, as soon as he "stepped" on the land of the dead in spirit... years later, he didn't...
And he (the scientist) waited and waited and nothing happened, but then he conformed, by recognizing and having to accept his condition as a human being in this world and its possible and real limitations. He accepted and went on with his life!
This is because human conditions are too unfavorable to have access to relevant information about what life is like after this in its most perfect condition! Very exceptionally, under favorable conditions, the description takes place there, but, in general, for the vast majority, if one does not dedicate oneself to the study of the subject... it only deals with speculation...
But, the drama of the beginning remains the same...
And I say more, even if any of the "dead" were "there" and came here, a few moments after their departure, to warn exactly as it is, the doubt would remain the same, the fear too and , the indifference would the same...
But, I believe that suffering less is much better... Because the greater the doubt, the greater is the dread of traveling in one of those dark vehicles whose destination is only one...
But, "let's not panic", there goes only the corpse... the soul, "sometimes", is no longer there...
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