Tema Acessibilidade


All you can get access to is a little "guess"... speculation? Absolutely!

No one will ever be able to imagine the size of the pain of a fellow human being, so that this or that person may have this or that, that way or that way!

All you can get access to is a little "guess"... speculation? Absolutely!

It is true that there are behaviors that would be condemned in any way and under any circumstance and it is not even necessary to delve too deeply into the issue to know that this is so...

Example without further details?!

The criminal acts...

However, there are particular acts and circumstances in the life of each one, which are "judged" and evaluated superficially, (as is routinely done) that can lead to great mistakes and great injustices!

Take, for example, this lady... (that lady or that other) graduated as a "teacher", a teacher and in a certain way achieved her goal in life. Won! Because to win, my dear, is not only to own something like the fortune of BILL GATES, the houses of so many other billionaires in the Bahamas, in the Beverly Hills, in the Altos do Morumbi or in ALPHAVILLE, no!

To win, for the wise man and woman, quite a matter of being able to educate their children, to survive without harming anyone, to live well with what one earns and with what one has, etc., now to achieve, in Brazil, a university, a "Canudo", ( University Degree) , more than a life goal, is undoubtedly the fulfillment of a mission... So, evaluate this lady and her behavior, but taking it (your personal victory) into consideration!

It is true that sometimes she seems a little rude, eccentric, exaggerated, arrogant and proud, etc., but can anyone imagine, for example, to the that all this that the world shows from her behavior is precisely what the world gave her when she needed it?!

I know that such attitudes and even such harsh behavior are not justified in any way. But, have you ever stopped to think that the poor woman who is not totally happy, may NOT have someone to give her the LAST GUIDELINES, so that she acts coherently and makes her life count as an example to be followed and not as a person (She) for to be hated and feared?!

Therefore, it is important to immediately stop judging others, because will inevitably and inexorably make the same mistakes and follow exactly the same rites. Each one must walk in his own shoes without widening his steps more than he should and understand that each one knows where his own hurts in order to behave in this or that way...

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Jfranck ESCRITO POR Jfranck Autor
Bofete - SP

Membro desde Novembro de 2023


Outros textos de Jfranck

(...) For a short period, but it was intense while it lasted, it was very pleasurable, delicious even... But everything that is good, if it does not have its limits... Spoils. (...)
No! By no means, this is an encouragement to any insinuation of shortening life, no! It is simply a suggestion for better reflection!
Graça a toda essa experiência adquirida ao longo de milhões de anos de evolução planetária e sistemática, a humanidade hoje em dia, aprendera muito! (?!)
BACK TO WAR... (1)
" Who was it that said that people limit themselves to living their own lives, without interfering in the lives of others?!"