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It is not possible to go back to antiquity to speak of genius and stupid death by war, without having to quote Archimedes

arquimedesIt is not possible to go back to antiquity to speak of genius and stupid death by war, without having to quote Archimedes. Considered by a large majority: the greatest sage of antiquity!

To once again prove the value of the use of the sword and the value that was given and is given to the individual genius of a single being. In this case, the tireless worker, fighter, researcher, mathematician, physicist, etc., in other words, the wise Archimedes. It is true that there was another wise man, Diogenes, (323 B.C.), also known as Diogenes the Cynic, a philosopher of Ancient Greece, who by his attitudes and way of acting, even went so far as to humiliate Alexander the Great, when he informed the general that he could give him nothing but what he already had: life, nature, the Sun. However, he walked the streets of Greece (of course, satirizing), with a lantern in his hand (meaning lantern, a crude container, inside which was a lighted candle), saying that he had been "looking for a worthy and wise man" for a long time!

It so happens that Diogenes, despite his wisdom, used theory more than practice, unlike Archimedes, who "got to work". That is, he researched, "brooded", searched, created, multiplied, divided, etc., in short: he worked! And so it was that, when the Roman Troops invaded, the city they inhabited, (Syracuse), gave a lot of trouble to the Legions, with their endless inventions of weapons, to defend their place of residence, which also occasioned their death, by one of these representatives of arms and violence, a member of the infantry representing the "eagle!"

What is certain is that, for 03 years, Syracuse was assaulted by the troops of the Empire and they were repelled, by the creativity and genius of Archimedes and in one of these attempts of frustrated invasions, Archimedes even used, almost a kind of "laser beam", taking advantage of the sun's rays, to burn the Naus (ships) that had been sailing along the coast, seeking to invade, Via the sea! All this, around the 280s B.C.,

It was also around these years that King Hiero needed the services of Archimedes, because he suspected that the "chief goldsmith" "outsmarted" his majesty, diverting part of the gold used in the making of the royal crown!"

In more current terms, the king said to Archimedes, " solve this puzzle!"

And Archimedes went home with this problem, where he remained for days thinking how he would identify the goldsmith's fraud and the amount of mixture that he had put together with gold in order to be able to give it the same weight!

And it was there, immersed in a bathtub, that the sage finally had "the great light" and simply in a bath, he discovered the Theory of "SPECIFIC RELATIVITY OF BODIES!" (2) which says: "Every body immersed in a fluid in equilibrium undergoes a vertical thrust from bottom to top, equal to the weight of the fluid displaced!" In other words, each body of a given material immersed in a fluid (liquid or gas) undergoes a specific displacement thrust. Thus, gold displaces an "x" amount of liquid, silver a "y" quantity, brass an "x y" quantity, and so on!

Then everyone knows what happened, when the happy sage, in ecstasy, ran through the streets, naked, shouting the famous phrase: "EUREKA! EUREKA!" In other words, I found out!

And so, it was discovered how much gold had been embezzled and the dishonest goldsmith was unmasked!"

However, so much genius, so much contribution to the time and to the world today, even to be destroyed by a guy, whose contribution to history only remained in the well-aimed blow with which he ended the life of a great genius and his name, (name of the murderer), did not even enter the annals of history, because he was not worthy of it. I would go so far as to say that any sword without any individuality would have made a better contribution to humanity than its crazy and senseless gesture caused!

In the end, he will always ask himself: what great contribution did the use of weapons, physical force, invasion bring to the residents? Of course, the slaughter, the destruction and an irreparable and priceless loss to the world!

- (1) Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek mathematician, philosopher, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. Although few details of his life are known, they are enough for him to be considered one of the leading scientists of Classical Antiquity. Born: Syracuse, Italy; Death: Syracuse, Italy; Influenced: René Descartes, G.W. Leibniz, Girolamo Cardano, Tabite ibn Curra, Guidobaldo del Monte; Parents: Phidias; Known for: Lever; Hydrostatics; Archimedes Screw; Infinitesimal. Death: ca. 212 BC (75 years); Syracuse, Sicily, Magna Graecia; Archimedes was one of the most important Greek scientists, inventors, and mathematicians of classical antiquity; He was considered by many historians to be one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. In addition, Archimedes deepened his knowledge in the fields of physics, engineering, and astronomy.

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