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"Boy, enjoy it while it's war, because peace will be unbearable!" Source: War Fanatics (1)

"Boy, enjoy it while it's war, because peace will be unbearable!" Source: War Fanatics (1)

Who else would be so fanatical about war, as to lose their common sense, if not them?!

It's hard to believe that such beings exist. They are always living in expectation of an imminent war! They dream of the ideal moment to take the first shot and start a new enterprise of destruction, horror and violent deaths!

There are situations, especially with regard to politics, that can get much worse when the government changes!

And some individuals who are moved, involved, "hypnotized", bestialized, etc., allow themselves to be so involved with a few words and a kind of unhealthy credibility, that they will never again be able to face reality, as reality should be!

I explain.

First of all, first of all, to quote the apparently incoherent phrase: "the worst blind person is the one who does not want to see!" (2) But that it was in fact something that occurred that left the Science of the Age dumbfounded!

As I mentioned, a few years ago, Brazil was going through a very serious governmental crisis, with the denunciation of numerous embezzlements of public funds, mainly for the "acquisition" of Deputies, Senators, etc. In short, to corruption!

Then, as if to meet the deepest yearnings of the Brazilian people, tired of so much dishonesty, the promise of "SAVIOR OF THE HOMELAND!" appeared on the horizon "Overflowing with virtues! An example of a man who presented himself as a defender of the Homeland and a legitimate representative of the Family..."

And fully ratifying the saying of the blind, according to which the worst blind person is the one who does not want to see, etc., because, even after the years and even though the real atrocities, barbarities, embezzlement of public funds, total incompetence in the fight against the Pandemic that killed more than 750 thousand people in Brazil, half of which could have been avoided, criminal association with militias, especially those operating in Rio de Janeiro, indirect involvement with Drug Trafficking (See the case of the Air Force Sergeant who transported drugs on the presidential plane), Forgery of Documents (in the case of proof of vaccination), etc., I have someone in the family, who does not accept under any circumstances that the president he elected, In fact, what he helped to elect is a complete fraud.

Refuses to accept! He close your ears so don't hear and your eyes don't see. In general terms, it resembles what happened to me, in a period of my distant childhood, where, when I did not want to listen to my mother, just admonishing me, I covered my ears and even screamed along with her... Which rightly made her very, very angry!

But, I was 6-5 years old, the individual in the family I am referring to is over 50 years old. And I believe that the events that took place there in Brasilia, on January 8th, only did not count on his participation, because he would work on the 9th, otherwise, he would be "collaborating with those who called them patriots!". That is, those who used euphemism to change the meaning of the word, when they should be called "coup plotters" who practiced in its clearest sense: "ATTEMPTED COUP D'ÉTAT!"

He doesn't even accept the fact that the former president, in the coming days, will inevitably "see the sun rise square!" Unless their "Flat Earth" splits in half... unless some inexplicable phenomenon, such as the invasion of UFOs, prevents the materialization and outcome of this "bold" and poorly planned plot, which was the government of this gentleman for Brazil. Him and his family!

During all the time he was in power, this gentleman, from the early hours of the day until the late hours of the night, "took off" to offend those he considered his enemies: women, journalists (who opposed him), political opponents, governors opposed to his regime, mayors, senators, etc.,

He had not been "sacked" before taking office, because he had the protection... of God, no, of Mr. e-prosecutor in this period (2020-2022), which allowed him, as the saying would say: to "swim with a stroke" in all directions, to spread lies on social networks, to discriminate, mock and RIDICULE THE ASPHYXIATED VICTIMS OF COVID, who succumbed due to lack of oxygen and did not take the medicine that Mr. Jair ("a renowned doctor, too, of course"), prescribed: CHLOROQUINE HYDROXIDE!

Thankfully, times have changed and Brazil has learned part of its lesson: "if things are bad but it's moving, it's better to leave it at that!"

- (1) Nazi saying. –

(2) The worst blind person is the one who does not want to see. Meaning: It is said of the person who does not want to see what is right in front of him. He refuses to see the truth.

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Jfranck ESCRITO POR Jfranck Autor
Bofete - SP

Membro desde Novembro de 2023


Outros textos de Jfranck

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